Photo of a smiling woman with shoulder-length wavy brown hair and thick-framed classes, wearing a knitted blue and gray scarf and teal sweater, standing outdoors in a snowy deciduous forest.

About Me

Hi, I’m Zeela, and thank you for joining me on food adventures! I enjoy immersing myself in fantasy and sci-fi worlds, including books, movies, tv series, and video games, imagining what all the food tastes like, then making it exist! This site is to share recipes and photos from these adventures. I think food makes life more interesting.

My current favorites are Wheel of Time (book series by Robert Jordan / Brandon Sanderson and also adapted to a tv show on Amazon) and World of Warcraft (video game). I love completely immersing myself in these worlds of the imagination, then bringing the food to real life to enjoy all the flavors. I am also a huge fan of Great British Bake Off so you are likely to see some GBBO-inspired recipes here too.

Life is what you make of it, and I choose to make it delicious.

About me: I am a bard in D&D, and a paladin / death knight / hunter in World of Warcraft. I’m a Hobbit at heart, and all about second breakfast and poh-tay-toes. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw / Ilvermorny Thunderbird.

SHARING: Recipes are for sharing! Please link back to my site if you copy or share these recipes.

Please do not use my photos; I have taken all of these photos myself and retain full rights to them. Thank you!